其他 · 2006 · 美国,加拿大 · 影视解说
兰达·海恩斯 / 马修·派瑞 / Judith Buchan / Griffin Cork / Jerry Callaghan /
【简介】 一个带着金丝边眼镜,领带衬衫,褐色头发的男人。可眼睛里却是热力四射的光芒,记得GTO中的鬼冢英吉吗?没错,RON和那个自称要成为最伟大的教师的小混混从事着同样的职业——老师。没有鬼冢的狂
5.0 电影 · 2020 · 荷属安的列斯,荷兰 · 剧情
艾希·詹加 / Tiara Richards / Felix de Rooy / Everon Jackson Hooi / Vanessa Abad / Bert Aengenendt / Esperanza Copini / Alexander Rudolph Hanst / Chanella Hodge / Janise Maria Hooi / Alex de Lanoy / Mimoushka Lieuw / Idelma Mercelina / Juric Phelipa / Zahavi Ricardo / Erik de Vries /
其他 · 2020 · 美国 · 影视解说
Michael P. Blevins / Richard Riehle / Ken Hudson Campbell / Rachel Alig / Clint Jung / Tom Fitzpatrick / Michael P. Blevins / Ford Austin / Bryan Dodds / Debbie DeLisi / Sumeet Dang /
David Van Owen moves into a mysterious house and discovers a box buried in his backyard, filled with
其他 · 2023 · 泰国 · 影视解说
Artistaya Arriyawongsa / Theerakhaha Arriyawongsa / Latkamon Pinrojkirati / Anchalee Saisoontorn / 加图蓬·丹古来 /
Assigned by the professor, 5 senior university students were invited to the old mansion belongs to M
其他 · 1994 · 美国 · 影视解说
安德鲁 / 史蒂文斯 / Shannon Tweed / Andrew Stevens / Kim Morgan Greene / Daniel McVicar / Michael D. Arenz / Stephen Young / Perla Walters / Ann Siena-Schwartz / Paul Carr / Ron Melendez / Wil Shriner /
Overall, this is a banal story of revenge, in which as the Black Mamba Shannon Tweed - famous actres
其他 · 2022 · 印度尼西亚 · 影视解说
Ginanti Rona / Emir Mahira / Zee JKT48 / Andrew Barrett / Angel Sianturi / Iszur Muchtar / Randhika Jamil / Kezia Caroline / Shatora Narajan / Farandika / Chelcy Clarissa / Gabriela Margareth Warouw / Neysa Chandria / 阿里约·瓦哈布 / Jenny Zhang /
Rakka was born with the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead. This ability tortures